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TVL bronze mirror

Mirror of the Eastern Han Bureau. The above is decorated with the pattern of birds and beasts. In addition, we can see that it is different from other copper mirror patterns in that the words similar to the English letters T, L, V appear on it. Together with the overall layout of the pattern, it is very similar to the image of the ancient six-game board. In ancient times, Bo was a chess game. The blog is the chessboard of this chess game. This is also the origin of the name of the blog. The Boss mirror is one of the longest popular bronze mirror types in the Han Dynasty. Generally, the dragon, white tiger, rosefinches, and Xuanwu four beasts are used for pattern decoration, and they are matched with zigzag, cirrus or grass. The whole decoration is full and orderly, the lines are smooth and beautiful, and the casting is exquisite.

Some studies have suggested that the mirror image layout of the TVL represents the cosmology of the Han Dynasty. The Liubo chess game itself is similar to the tools used in the Han Dynasty to divination and computing diachronism, and we see the concept of internal squares and bronze mirrors forming a “round place”. In addition to the blog layout, it also incorporates dragon, white tiger, rosefinches bied, Xuanwu “four gods” to represent the four directions, and some bronze mirrors also have “twelve land branches” to represent time. Therefore, the TVL Mirror is a concrete expression of the concept of \”Heaven and Man\” in the Han Dynasty.





